
Calling All Interested to Join the CODA Board

By June 21, 2023No Comments

We are seeking nominations for opti enthusiasts to join our board! Please email to express interest. We welcome all to be considered and are happy to connect you with the board member currently in the position of interest. All terms are 2 years, and there is a maximum of 4 years in any given position. Board members are elected yearly at the AGM, which will be held August 24th at West Vancouver Yacht Club.






Ontario Rep

Quebec Rep

Nova Scotia Rep

BC Rep




  1. President: The President of the Association or his/her delegate  shall be the official spokesperson of the Association,  preside at Executive and General Association meetings, be ex-officio, a member of all committees and generally perform the duties of a president and chairman of the organization.
  2. Secretary: The Secretary shall attend all meetings of the Executive committee and General  Association meetings and record all votes and the minutes of all proceedings to be kept in a book to be kept for that purpose.  He/Shall give, or cause to be given notice of all meetings of the Association for which notice is required, and shall perform  such other duties as may prescribed by the Officers or by the President  under whose supervision he/she shall act.  He/She shall execute with the President all authorized conveyances, contracts, or other obligations under the name of the Association except as otherwise directed by the officers.
  3. Treasurer:  The Treasurer shall cause the funds and securities of the Association to be maintained at his/her direction and shall keep or cause to be kept full and accurate accounts of receipts and disbursements in books belonging to the Association and shall deposit or cause to be deposited all monies and other valuable effects in the name and to the credit of the Association in such depositories as may be designated by the Officers or the President.  He/She shall disburse or cause to be disbursed the funds of the Association as may be ordered by the Officers or the President, taking proper vouchers for such disbursements, and shall render to the President and Officers, at the regular meetings of the Officers, or whenever they may require it, an account of all his/her transactions as Treasurer of the Association.
  4. Provincial Vice Presidents (or Provincial Representatives): The Provincial Vice-President or Representative shall serve as the liaison between sailors in their areas, their respective Provincial Sailing Associations and the Executive Committee, promote the objects of the Association, arrange regional regattas, and perform other duties as may be of value to the Association.
  5. National Measurer: The National Measurer shall be responsible for obtaining, publishing, and enforcing the Class Rules, the requirements for World Championships deemed incorporated therein and such other applicable requirements of the International Optimist Dinghy Class. The National Measurer shall maintain the principle of the one-design class and to this end maintain a liaison with national and international organizations of this class. He may appoint authorized provincial measurers. The National Measurer shall measure, or cause to be measured by an authorized measurer, Optimist Dinghies constructed in Canada, in full compliance with the International Optimist Dinghy Class Rules. The National Measurer shall consider complaints relating to the infraction of the Class Rules in Canada, and consider new rules as they may apply to the Optimist Class in Canada, and if approved, inform the membership. The National Measurer shall be the official resource for the measurement process at each year Canadian Optimist Dinghy Championship.
  6. Registrar: The Registrar shall be responsible for maintaining a list of members of the Association, updated annually, and for issuing national sail numbers for new boats.  The Registrar shall maintain a list of all Optimist Dinghies registered in Canada.  The Registrar shall from time to time convey the list of members to the Secretary of the Association for the purposes of organizing the annual general meeting of the Association, and to the Publicity Officer for posting on the Association’s Web site.
  7. Class Development:  The Class Development shall be responsible for maintenance and updating of the Association’s Web site and for other publicity material to be produced and distributed from time to time.  He/She shall arrange for the widest publicity for the Class in accordance with the spirit of Article 2.