
Bids for Canadian Optimist Dinghy Championships

By April 5, 2022November 22nd, 2022No Comments

Bidding is open for Western clubs wishing to host the 2023 Canadian Optimist Dinghy Championships. Please complete the following questionnaire and submit by August 1, 2022. These questions are based on templates from several of the previous 22 years, and we hope they serve to provide guidance and clarity about the scope of the event. Bids are often submitted in powerpoint form with a written component, and candidates are also welcome to speak in person or remotely at the AGM. We are also happy to provide past examples to you. Bids will be made available to membership, and then voted upon at the AGM which takes place on the final day of the CODC each year. Please feel to submit the answers to these questions in whatever format you prefer.

This national flagship event consists of a Fleet Racing Championship and a Team Racing Championship and it currently serves as the only qualifier event for Canadian sailors to attend IODA Events. Typically Canadian sailors attend IODA Worlds, IODA Europeans, IODA North Americans and IODA South Americans. The National Championship follows the format of IODA events, with measurement, 4 race days + one team racing day (weather permitting) on a trapezoid course. Location of the Championships alternates between West, Central and Eastern Canada.

Proposal Template: Canadian Optimist Dinghy Championships

  1. Name of Proposed Championship: Canadian Optimist Dinghy Championships
  2. Year of championship:
  3. Host:
  4. Name of person completing proposal:
  5. Contact information (phone, address and email):
  6. Regatta chairperson:
  7. Contact information (phone, address and email):
  8. Approximate dates of the event: *Please note that the CODC is typically the third week in August. The only stipulation on dates is that sailors from all provinces must be available to attend and not already in school.
  9. Outline of the schedule (Measurement, Team Racing, Individual Racing):
  10. Number of days of racing:
  11. Describe your host venue:
  12. What is your volunteer base?
  13. Do you have an active Opti Fleet?
  14. Describe characteristics of the racing area:
  15. Describe facilities for launching and storage of boats:
  16. Describe parking for cars, trailers and access to the venue:
  17. How many sailors can you accommodate?
  18. Are you able to provide racing and fun activities for a Green Fleet? Please Describe:
  19. Will you provide meals for sailors and will cost for such meals be Included in the entry fee? Please elaborate:
  20. Will food service be available for non-sailors?
  21. How far is your venue from airports?
  22. Describe hotel and other accommodations in the area:
  23. Describe attractions in the area which make your venue a travel destination:
  24. Are you prepared to provide housing and meals for judges/umpires/race officials and class representative?
  25. Have you Identified a PRO for the event or do you require the class’ assistance? Please describe this person’s Canadian credentials and experience with large fleets of Optis:
  26. Have you identified a Chief Judge for the event or do you require the class’ assistance? Please describe this person’s Canadian credentials and experience with large fleets of Optis, including on the water Judging of Rule 42:
  27. By what date will you launch your event microsite with information for attendees?
  28. Do you anticipate obtaining sponsorship to support the costs of running the regatta? Will sponsorships conflict in any way with the class’ commitment to its partners? Please Describe:
  29. What is your anticipated entry fee?
  30. Will you have vendors on-site for parts, gear, repairs and charters?
  31. Is it possible to rent coach and spectator boats in the area?
  32. Describe prizes, giveaways, raffles, social events, etc. that you Intend to Include as part of your entry fee:
  33. Testimonials or Feedback from Previous Events:

CODA Requirements:

The COCs are entirely organized, run and hosted by the club chosen by members one year in advance of the event. Event attendees must be members of CODA, and CODA receives a levy of $10 per sailor from the host. CODA is available to assist with any aspects that may be required and welcomes regular communication about the event.

CODA does not wish to interfere with the planning, but would appreciate open lines of communication, as this is officially a CODA branded event. Based on past best practices, we do require the following from the host club:

  1. NOR in both official languages 4 months prior to the event.
  2. Official dates 8 months in advance of the event, including measurement, one team racing day and a minimum of 4 days of fleet racing.
  3. Venue tour where possible.
  4. Microsite and communications in both official languages 6 months prior to event.
  5. Proof of insurance.
  6. Notice if any part of the original application changes dramatically.
  7. Many sailors will come from across the country and not all are familiar with the venue conditions, so teams must be able to arrive up to 3 days prior for pre-event training.
  8. Host club must have a launch ramp for Optis and coach boats.
  9. Club needs to be able to provide storage for up to 150 Optis on site.
  10. All registered sailors and coaches must be members of CODA in good standing.
  11. A charter company must be on-site for sailors who will need boats.
  12. The Constitution and Bylaws of CODA will be respected.

We welcome questions, and look forward to ideas and excitement around the 2023 Championships! Bids may be submitted to