
Open March Break Miami Opti Camp with PCYC

By February 3, 2022No Comments

Port Credit Yacht Club will hosting a March Break Opti Training Camp.

WHAT: March Break Training Camp

WHO: For Opti Sailors wanting to develop their skills.

WHY: To improve skills and performance in 2021/ get the “rust off” for the 2022 season

WHEN:   Choose between 2 camp weeks over March Break, during “Miami Sailing Week” in Coconut Grove, FL

Choose from optional camp dates:Week 1                                                    March 14th to 20th *Regatta & training Weekend                   March 26th to 27th (the Miami Bacardi Cup) two training days prior.

WHERE: Coconut Grove, Florida (Miami area)

To reserve your spot, please click on the link below and complete the form. (Only waiting list for now) (scroll down to Optimist winter training opportunity; waiting list)

As space is limited, spots will be offered based on the order received. If a minimum number of sailors do not register for any given session, that session will be cancelled.

Charter options are also available (Spencer from McLaughlin; .

Camp fees are already on the checklick and registration is just waiting list.

For those that have already confirmed your interest with Fede, you are not on the list so please make sure to complete the Checklick as we can be better organize with numbers and logistics.


  • Travel to and from Miami, food, and accommodations are the responsibility of each sailing family to coordinate.
  • * EARLY EVENT JENSEN BEACH 12TH TO 13TH (IF YOU ARE INTERESTED PLEASE LET ME KNOW) Training event will have two training prior.

HOPE TO SEE YOU ALL THIS MARCH IN MIAMI! Get on the water early on in the year and train with top coaches –

All Canadian Optimist sailors are welcome to sign up!

Questions?  Feel free to reach out to Fede Donzino: